The pictures, descriptions and calls of birds are designed to give you a quick overview and help you locate them as you tour the Sanctuary. For more detail, you are encouraged to go to the following website sponsored by Cornell University:
Black Crowned Night Heron
Truly the “crowned” jewel of the Sanctuary, the [...]
Blue Jay
A very common song bird with a distinct [...]
Brown Thrasher
The only thrasher east of Texas, you are [...]
Officially called the Northern Cardinal, these birds are [...]
Officially called the Gray Catbird, these relatives of [...]
Eastern Phoebe
This brownish-gray, plump songbird appears to have large [...]
Glossy Ibis
A dark iridescent purple-green colored bird with a [...]
Great Blue Heron
Majestic and stately on the ground or in [...]
Great Egret
These elegant, svelte, large white birds with long [...]
Green Heron
You may see the Green Heron from a [...]
Hermit Thrush
This small bird with a melancholy song, rich [...]
Laughing Gull
A summer visitor whose sight and sound evokes [...]
Mourning Dove
Graceful, plump, and small-headed with short legs and [...]
Northern Flicker
Flickers are large brownish woodpeckers with a white [...]
Northern Mocking Bird
These slender grey birds sing almost constantly. They [...]
These large, brownish hawks with the white heads [...]
Red Bellied Woodpecker
These pale medium-sized woodpeckers are common in the [...]
Red Winged Black Bird
The Red-winged Blackbird is our harbinger of spring. [...]
The American Robin is one of the most [...]
Song Sparrow
A rich, russet and gray bird with bold [...]
Swainson’s Thrush
The Swainson’s Thrush is a slim, medium brown bird with [...]
Tree Swallow
About the size of a Sparrow, these birds are metallic [...]
Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Occasionally, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron can be spotted [...]